
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Healthy start equipment

 First lets start with a chat about equipment to help you in your eating and buying habits for 2013! I purchased 2 pieces of equipment to help me in my diet and buying for groceries.  First was a digital ounce and pound scale.  It's great for measuring how much to put on a plate for a portion control and only cost less than $20.  Well worth the  cost.  Second was this $85 vacuum sealer so we can buy in bulk and/or freeze extra left overs for another day. I bought a $10 package of skinless chicken breast which yealed 6lbs of meat or 7 large breast pieces.  The second picture is a vacuumed packed chicken breasts and a frozen non vacuumed packed that was put in freezer bag and frozen for about a month.  Which would you rather eat.  The vacuumed packed will last 2yrs in the freezer if needed. 
I encourage you to make a small investment, these two items cost me just over a hundred bucks but well worth the savings in thrown away food.  When I cleaned out our freezer I threw away a good hundred bucks worth of steak, pork, chicken and seafood due to freezer burn.
The scale really helps with good portion control so you actually know what you put in your mouth. The only way to better health, losing weight is watching exactly how much you eat and portion control is part of it.  I also recommend a good calorie counting app that you can get on all most any smart phone!  My wife Kate and I use FitnessPal. Its great for not just counting calories but tracks weight, fitness workouts and gives you a calorie limit daily which will vary on the amount of weight you want to loose. Try it, once you get into a habit it works.

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